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What to EGGspect

Helpful, In-Depth Articles to Read:

Understanding Egg Production

In peak season, healthy hens produce an egg approximately every 26 hours, averaging 100-365 eggs per year. The best part? They can lay eggs without the help of a rooster!


It's a wonderful feeling to feed your family with your very own farm-fresh eggs. It's good to be prepared for all those eggs – from knowing when your ladies will start laying for the first time, to understanding how to care for the eggs once you've collected them – and all the events that can happen in between!


Check out this really helpful overview from our friends and poultry experts at Nutrena®:

Un-egg-spected Eggs

You may go out to collect your eggs one day and find something odd – it's usually no reason to worry. Although sometimes weird eggs can indicate health problems, a strange chicken egg is typically just a reproductive glitch. It is completely normal (and sort of exciting) to get an odd egg every now and then. Some you might encounter are:


• Tiny, yolkless eggs (often called fairy eggs)

• Double yolked eggs

• Bumpy eggs

• Misshapen eggs

• Even shell-less eggs! 

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